"The Cathedral Catholic Primary School is an outstanding Catholic school."
"It is very welcoming and has inclusion for all as a central goal."
"The work of the governors, headteacher, RE leader, the teachers and the support staff in raising standards and putting the Catholic life of the school at the forefront of their plans is a strength of the school, despite the recent challenges with the pandemic and lock downs."
"The Catholic life of the school is outstanding and the commitment from the headteacher, the governors, staff, and parishioners to support pupils in their prayer life and growth in faith has remained a priority."
"Pupils at the school are nurtured within a strong Catholic ethos: pupils can express their views and beliefs with confidence."
"The headteacher is an outstanding role model and her enthusiasm and passion for the school is a key factor in this successful school."
"The quality of provision for the Catholic life of the school is outstanding. The Cathedral Catholic Primary school is a welcoming, friendly and inclusive community with a strong family ethos where everyone is valued and where pupils and staff flourish."
"Imaginative teaching is consistently effective in enthusing pupils and ensuring that they learn well."
"The RE curriculum provides good opportunities for spiritual and moral development."
"Pupils are able to explain how beliefs and values inspire and influence them and others. Through RE provision children are taught about other faiths and cultures."
"Pupils are alert to the needs of others and seek justice for all within and beyond the school community."
"The importance of service is strong at Cathedral Catholic Primary School. Pupils speak with great sincerity about the importance of their responsibility to help others."
(Extracts from 2022 report)