Parents of children that attend The Cathedral Catholic Primary School are automatically members of the PTA.
Twitter: @Cathedrallancs Facebook : Cathedral PTA
Our Mission
To support the school with advancing the education and welfare of its pupils.
Our Role and Objectives
Working in partnership with the teachers and the parents to understand the best way that we can provide support. Our main method of supporting the school is to raise funds to provide equipment and services.
All parents and teachers are members of the PTA and all members are encouraged to participate in the activities organized by the PTA.
The PTA is run by a committee currently comprising a mix of seven parents and representatives from the school. The committee has a mix of officials; Chair, Treasurer & Secretary and ordinary members. Any member of the PTA is eligible to be elected to the committee at the AGM.
How the PTA has benefitted the school in the past year
Contingency Grant – New for this year, the association has agreed a grant of £300 per class or £2,100 to the school for use for contingencies such as transport for school trips
Team Kits – We’ve provided professionally designed team kits in the school colours so that when the school is participating in external sports events, they look great and represent the school in colou
r coordinated kit
VR Headsets – Virtual Reality headsets to support learning in KS2 (coming soon….!)
Small World Toys – educational learning toys in Reception
Book Bags – Provision of Book Bags for pupils starting school in Reception
Mothering Sunday & Father’s Day - Provision of gifts for mums and dads
How does the PTA raise money?
The PTA primarily raises money from events organized at the school, these include:-
The Christmas & summer fayres, discos, pre-loved uniform sales, break the rules days. We’re also supported by local companies who donate prizes for raffles.
In the future, the committee will put additional focus into raising money from corporate sources. Many companies have special community funds available to support good causes such as our PTA.
In the last 12 months we have raised over £5,300 with the biggest fundraiser being the Christmas Fayre. After taking account of running costs, we have approximately £10,000 in our bank account.
Plans for 2024-25
Pre-loved uniform sales – we’ll hold at least one uniform sale per term; good clean uniform at bargain prices
Discos – we’ll hold one disco each term for the whole school
Easter Egg Hunt
Art Exhibition
Break the Rules Day
Non-Uniform Days
Summer Fayre
The Christmas Fayre
Charitable Structure
The PTA committee decided that The Cathedral Parent Teacher Association (PTA) would apply for Charitable status after the 2023 Annual General Meeting. We made this decision to for three main reasons:
- to improve the yield from corporate fund raising
- to be able to benefit from Gift Aid
- to establish a formal governance structure
To run the PTA as a charity, we were required to appoint trustees. The trustees are recruited from the PTA committee and have the following responsibilities:-
- ensure that the PTA charity is correctly administered
- that fundraising events are correctly managed
- that the charity’s funds are managed securely and effectively and used solely for the benefit of the school’s pupils
How Members can get involved
There are lots of ways to get involved:
- Join the committee and help to run the association
- Volunteer to help us run specific events
Collections of Pre-Loved school uniform:
- we’re always on the lookout for badged items of school uniform such as jumpers and cardigans and of course the school’s tartan skirt. If you have items that your children have grown out of, lookout for our appeals when you’ll be able to bring the items into school.
The Cathedral PTA Committee
Chair – Duncan Sutton, parent member with daughter in year 4
Treasurer – Rachael McCullough, parent member with daughters in year 2 and year 1
Secretary – Grace Glazier, parent member with daughter in year 2
Mrs Holt – Head Teacher
Gemma Porter – Teaching Assistant at the school with daughter in year 4 and son in year 2
Jason Ettrick – Parent member with son in year 4
Gladys Asante Kwabuah – Parent member with son in year 6 and daughter in year 1
Naomi Smith - Parent member with son in year 4 and daughter in year 1
Nicky Jones – Parent member with son in year 1